Top 10 Free, Fast & Profitable Live Auction Lots for School Auctions

School auctions are unique because many times parents of the kids who go to the school are our donors. That said, parents will spend a lot of money on their kids! If you are struggling to acquire live auction lots or are looking for one or two new ideas here are some classics with a twist!

  1. Parking Spot
    • Picking up your kids or dropping your kids off can be time consuming and a hassle. A VIP Parking spot right in front is the perfect way to make thousands!! A name plate is a nice addition, sometimes it only works for morning or afternoons and often we can sell two! Pro Tip… if parents know you have two spots available ahead of time it’s best to split them up and have two separate live auction lots. Parking Spot 1 and Parking Spot 2 sold individually not in a double down style to maximize profits.
  2. Principal for the Day
    • Rule the school for the day! The more you lean into this one the better! One school principal even made custom outfits labeled for the kids to wear on their principal day! Student often gets lunch of their choice with a friend in the principals office. They get to declare no homework, extra recess or free dress the next day! Variations of this depending on the school are P.E. Teacher for the Day, Librarian for the Day, etc.
  3. Front Row Seating
    • Front row seating for graduation, a school performance or any school event! Commonly sold is front row seating for graduation with a parking spot. Sometimes we can sell two front row seats depending on the layout. A lot of times we can sell the second row as a prize to a revenue enhancer. In addition, front row seating for Christmas performance, Hanukkah performance or School Talent Show can often sell just as well! And sometimes we’ve packaged front row seating for ALL events throughout the year!
  4. Name the Alley or Street Sign(s)
    • At one school they have an alley that everyone drives through to pick up and drop off their kids. So we had a parent weld a cool sign and now every year we auction off name the alley and it sells for thousands. A kicker here is that someone can purchase it to put their family name on it or in honor of someone else, lots of variations here depending on the year. Another school has 5 inspirational street signs that have quotes on them inspiring kids as they enter school. We sell each sign for $500 to $1,000 to put your families quote on it for the year and make $5,000! Again lots of variations of putting your families name on an object on campus!
  5. Name a Food Item for a Year
    • This one is fun and you’d be surprised how much this sells for! Depending on the school, students go to the cafeteria and have the option to look at a menu and select food they want. On the menu, we auction off your family naming the “breakfast burrito or sandwich for the year!” The menu reads “Mr Simmons Sando’ for the year!
    • Related Blog Post about How to Make Thousands with Revenue Enhancer Ideas Click Here.
  6. Front of the Line Fast Pass
    • Another sleeper! Again depending on the school, sometimes a long line forms at morning break or lunch for food. At one event we auction off a front of the line fast pass for your child at every break to get food. We sell multiples and make thousands!
  7. Class Projects or Art
    • Depending on the school students will make projects that we auction off. the cool part here is that the students many times will get experience building or working together to create something outside of the box. For example, one class one time made a backyard mobile pizza oven. A parent came in and helped the kids learn how to weld and make it from scratch. Lots of possibilities and great learning opportunities! Class Art is another highly profitable auction lot depending on the school.
    • How Many Live Auction Lots Should You Have Total Click Here.
  8. Event at School (Graduation Party in the Spot)
    • Is there a location on your campus that has a view, is super special or would just be a great gathering spot… this is a great live auction lot! At one school, we auctioned off front row seats to graduation. And a second live auction lot was a VIP graduation party for 20 on the roof with a live DJ and food/drink. It sold for $7,500!
    • Why Hire a Professional Benefit Auctioneer for Your School Auction Click Here.
  9. Pizza Party at the Firehouse or Donuts and Ride to School in a Police Car
    • Fire Trucks and Police Cars are many times a fan favorite! We sold a pizza party for 20 kids at a Firehouse for $5,000! It included sliding down the fire pole and sounding the fire alarm! We also sell a ride along with a police officer which includes donuts and a escort to class!
  10. Parent of the Year
    • This is a variation of Dates for a Year in our last blog post. This package is compiling about 8 to 12 gift cards for fun outings with your kids! The FMV usually is around $1,000 to $1,500 and it often sells for $2,500 to $3,000! Think gift card for 4 to waterpark, laser tag, movies, ice cream and more.
    • Related Blog Post with 10 More Live Auction Lot Ideas Click Here.

Bonus live auction lots and revenue enhancers are prizes to win Tuition for a Year, Parent Hours for a Year, Class Free Dress Day, and the Sky is the Limit! The fun thing about schools is that you can be so creative with live auction lots and make tens of thousands with little resources! To book FSA Auctions as your fundraising partner and auctioneer for your next fundraising event email us at

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